- Nylon is used for things we use such as ropes, instrumental strings, carpets, ect.
- More women were doing more washing at home and cleanliness became a indication of gentility and respectability.
- Because of middle-class concerns about “dirt” , there was a new focus on “hygiene”
- People pay less for garments made with nylon because it is synthetic
- Fabrics made with nylon dry faster and last longer
- In the 1900’s, less public laundries and dry cleaners were needed because of the new fabrics (mainly nylon) were easy to wash and can be “drip-dried”
- It reinforced the stereotype about how women do the housework (laundry,etc).Cleanliness was important for the middle-class society doing laundry was the proper demeanor for women. So, more women did laundry at home.
- (Russell, D. A., 2009)
- (Gamman, L. & O'Mara, S., 2005)
- (Goldberg, J. B. , 2009)
- (Fogarty, A., 2009)